
Job market paper

The Impact of Fiscal Policy on Financial Institutions, Asset Prices, and Household Behavior (2024)

(Draft coming soon)

Working Papers

Monetary Policy, Segmentation, and the Term Structure, with Rohan Kekre and Moritz Lenel (2024)
[revise and resubmit, American Economic Review]
Paper | Code to solve the model
Presentations: FIRS 2024, ASSA 2023, NBER SI Macro Money and Financial Frictions 2022, CICM 2022, EWMES 2022, MFA 2022, SED 2022, Boston College, Berkeley, Booth, BSE, Bundesbank, Chicago FED, Columbia, Cowles Foundation, Duke Fuqua, ECB, FED Board, LSE, University of Minnesota, MIT Sloan, NYU, Princeton, Rutgers, Stanford

Asset Demand of U.S. Households, with Xavier Gabaix, Ralph Koijen, Sangmin Oh, and Motohiro Yogo (2023)
Presentations: NBER SI Household Finance 2024, Wharton Junior Conference on Valuations, AFA 2024, NBER Asset Pricing 2022, NBER Innovative Data in Household Finance 2022, SED 2022, SFS Cavalcade 2023, WFA 2023, EFA 2023, UC Boulder Leeds, UW-Madison Business School, NY Fed, Tilburg, U of Amsterdam, UIC, Columbia GSB, Stanford GSB

Oligopolistic Competition, Fund Proliferation, and Asset Prices, with Marco Loseto (2023)
Presentations: AFA 2025 (scheduled), EGSC Washington University St. Louis 2022

Awards: Yiran Fan Memorial Fellowship for best third year paper

A Demand-Based Approach to Short-Selling (2024)
Presentations: MFA 2024, Yiran Fan Memorial Conference 2024